Agile Process

Agile Process

The following steps can be used to break down the agile process:

  1. Concept: This includes envisioning the end product and making strategies to reach the target. Generally, the research team is responsible to analyze the market trends and developing an idea that will meet the market standards. The team then drafts a skeleton and after collaborating with multiple departments, a timeline establishes called “Sprint”. At last, the team members determine the cost and negotiate on it until it becomes market competitive.
  2. Initiation: In this step, the plan's structure develops, which includes finalizing the members and assigning them roles. Further advancement is done in the draft and the members are selected after dialogues. A manager then comes into action and assigns the respective roles to each member of the team. In addition, the manager solicits feedback from members on the sprint duration and adjusts the sprint accordingly.
  3. Iteration: This involves the development of working software. Constant revaluation and feedback are involved in this. Workers create basic software and put these through a series of tests to see how effective they are. If they pass the test, comes the phase of finishing touches and upgrades.
  4. Released: This step includes final measures before launching the product. It involves quality assurance testing and improvising. Users come into play by analyzing the product and giving their stance on it. After the user's feedback, the project team comes up with a market plan to launch the product in the market. Here, several aspects need to be kept in mind such as market competitiveness, cost, time of launching, etc
  5. Depart: This step is the last of an agile cycle and involves the termination of the process. It involves the drafting of the official documents and cross-checking all the aspects before ending the agile cycle.