Routing in Angular

Routing in Angular

In Angular, routing allows us to move from one view to another when users complete activities in web apps. The major functionalities of the Angular router will be covered in this article.

Routing is the process of moving from one page to another. Many websites include links that take you to a different page, and routing may accomplish this. The pages we're talking about will be in the form of components in this case. We've already looked at how to make a component, and let's make a component and learn how to utilize it with routing.


In Angular, routing allows us to move from one view to another when users complete activities in web apps.

  • The browser is a well-known application navigation model:
  • When you type a URL into the address bar, the browser will take you to the appropriate website.
  • The browser navigates to a new page when you click links on the page.
  • The browser navigates backward and forwards through the history of pages you've seen when using the back and advance buttons.

This model is used by the Angular Router ("the router"). A browser URL can be interpreted as an instruction to travel to a client-generated display, and it can give optional parameters to the accompanying view component to assist it in deciding what material to show. When a user hits a link on a page, the router may be bound to it, and it will go to the relevant application view. When the user clicks a button, picks from a dropbox, or responds to any stimulus from any source, you can travel imperatively. The back and forward buttons also function since the router registers activities in the browser's history journal.

If you're unfamiliar with Angular 7, I'd like to introduce you to the many features that this robust front-end framework has to offer. I'll take you through an Angular sample app that demonstrates several Router principles, including the router outlet, routes and paths, and navigation.